Internet Shakespeare Editions

Author: Peter Cockett
Peer Reviewed

King Leir

Performing Ragan (Sc. 14)

Read about performing Ragan in scene 11 [[ edition links should not have query or fragment parts ]]

Ragan's aside "I must dissemble kindness now of force" (Queen's Men EditionsTLN 1127) once more makes Ragan's moral status crystal clear for the audience. Her dedication to her father that follows is thus received ironically. The spectacle of the old man unable to speak for "weeping" was made all the more moving by the audience's awareness that Ragan's sympathy was insincere.

Read more about performing Ragan. [[ edition links should not have query or fragment parts ]]

[[ Resource not found ]]Watch video of Scene 14 on the Performing the Queen's Men website. (The video footage is password protected. Click on "Cancel" in the pop-up window to obtain password.)